Monday, March 9, 2009

Chapter 7-8 Blog

"Abba always believed--even as the sky spits at you, or a drought cheats you of your crop, or the soldiers plunder your house, or the rent collector wants a bribe--you do the right thing. You have to stand for something, like Naseem. That's what he taught Aisha and me." Ch. 7, pg 57

I chose this quote because you can see how Abba taught Aisha and Nadira from his own experiences. I also liked the descriptions of this quote, which describe the different things that can happen. Abba really loved Naseem, and looked up to him as a person who could always guide him. When Naseem was killed, Abba felt as if a part of him was missing, so he taught his daughters that they have to "stand for something, like Naseem." He needed to continue on the memory of Naseem and make sure his daughters learned the same values he did when he was younger.

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