Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10 Blog

"Then Uncle turns to the tall man, and I see how all the fierceness has drained from him. His hands tremble as he shrugs on his coat. He dips his head as he's led out the door as if he's afraid to stand too tall." pages 82-83

I thought this quote was sad because its like Uncle has been defeated by the men. He was trying to be strong and brave for his family, so nothing bad would happen to them, and when the men were taking him out, he gave in. In this quote, I really like how the author said, "all the fierceness has drained from him." I think he was strong for a while, then he became weaker and didn't have any more fighting in him.
I also like how the author said, "as if he's afraid to stand too tall." I think this means he was more defeated by the men than before, and he didn't want to stand taller to give his family more hope than they need. He also probably didn't want to show the men that he was going to put up a fight, or that he would try to stay with his family. He gave in to protect the ones he loves, and I think that was very brave of him.

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