Friday, March 13, 2009

Chapter 11 Blog

"For an instant, Aisha's eyes flash, and I'm sure she's going to say something mean, put me down. Instead, she laughs and picks up the rest of her bun. 'There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to grab it.'
After that, something shifts between Aisha and me. It's like she's opened the door and wriggled over to let me into her private little world." pages 89-90

I chose this quote because Aisha is finally learning how to get along with Nadira, and vice versa. Aisha was able to control herself and not say something mean, which Nadira was relieved by. I really liked how Nadira was saying Aisha: "opened the door and wriggled over to let me into her private little world." Finally Aisha is feeling like she is able to let her sister in on her life instead of locking her out. Nadira also feels more confident to be in her sister's life, and I think she is really trying hard not to be shut out again.
Now that the sisters have finally bonded, I think they will be able to help out their father and get asylum in Canada. Or at least I hope that's what will happen.


  1. Even though it seems like Aisha was going to get mean for a moment in the beginning of this quote, I think it's good that they started to talk to each other. So much has been going on with their family and Aisha and Nadira didn't really talk to each other that much. Even though there is still tension between them, I think it's good that they start to talk and bond more.

  2. I liked this quote too. I really does seem like Aisha is going to make some obnoxious comment, but instead she let Nadira in. I think that Aisha is turning to Nadira because she has no one else to talk to; Nadira knows it, but she is taking advantage of it, to get closer to her sister.

  3. To me there are two parts to this quote; what the author is trying to get across, and her awesome analogy(?).

    I like how Aisha is finally letting Nadira in. I think the next step for Nadira would be to trust Aisha and not think that she is going to say something mean immediately.

    "It's like she's opened the door and wriggled over to let me into her private little world."
    I like how Marina Budhos used the term "wriggled", it really paints a picture of Nadira...wriggling......into Aisha's world.
    I also love the when Budhos said Aisha's eyes "flashed". I am not sure exactly what that means but it still sounds cool. I mean ka-blamo!

  4. Responding to Alex, I think the Aisha's eyes flashed because she had an insult ready in her mind, but she realized that Nadira is the only one she can confide in. It's good to see that Aisha is finally realizing that she cannot get through this alone.

  5. I really like that they are getting along. They are learning more and more about each other. They should be getting along because right now just them, Auntie, and talisma is their only family left.

  6. I agree with Julianna. It is awesome that Aisha stopped herself from not saying something mean to Nadira. From the beginning of the book i thought that the family's problem would be a lot easier to solve if the two sister got along. Now that they final connect with each other, it's like helping the family is a whole step easier to do.

    I also love the metaphor/description in this quote.

  7. I thought that this was also a really nice quote Julianna. I did get really strong visual of a wall or door of some sort that separated the two sisters and their different worlds. Then one sister, Aisha, realized that it wasn't possible for her to get by on her own and she needed her sister. I saw the door open and I instantly knew that they had merged together into each others separate worlds. Aisha invited her sister in and Nadira willingly accepted it.

  8. I like this quote. :) It's suprising to see her response. I like the whole "eyes flash"! :)

  9. See, all it takes for Nadira to get attention from her sister is to speak up! Although, later in the chapter we do find out that Aisha's only accepting her because she's lonely. :( Oh, well. At least they're finally friends.

  10. I really like this quote. I was really happy when Aisha finally let Nadira in and is trying to make her feel welcome in the family. I hope that Aisha keeps beig kind to her sister, and that these two learn to be together.
    Talliya you're supposed to write more than two sentences.

  11. I think in this quote Aisha is open to Nadira's ideas and wants Nadira to help her. I think Aisha finally realized that she needs Nadira to move forward.

  12. I think that Aisha was to tired to be mean to Nadira and decided to be nice.

  13. I agree with Alex. It's like Nadira is opening the door to a whole new world. :)
