Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chapter 17/18 Blog

"And then she says them: the words that have gathered like thunder in our throats. The words that make me afraid to move in my own skin.
'My name is Aisha Hossain. And I am an illegal alien.'" chapter 17, page 150

When Aisha was giving her speech, I thought she was making a huge leap forward. To have the courage to admit everything they have been keeping secret for so long take a lot. I think that Nadira and her parents were secretly wanting someone to tell their secret, but were also worried that something might happen to them when people found out. I'm really happy that Aisha told people the secret because now they don't have to be in hiding. Aisha can finally have a reason to get help financially to go to college, and they can finally have a normal life. I really like the book overall, and I'm glad they could finally be themselves rather than people they're not.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter 16 Blog

"Above, the sky looks gray and soupy, like water before a storm. A few pale, weak stars glimmer through. I can feel all of our elders breathing down on us. Ali-Uncle. Naseem-Uncle. I shut my eyes, imagine the dappled swimming pool shot through with sunlight. It's not just about breathing. It's about making yourself clear as water, honest and calm." pages 146-147

In this quote, I liked how she mentioned the people in her life who have left, and she is trying hard to breathe.
I noticed several times the references to water and breathing. I thought the last two sentences were really good at describing one of the main themes of the book. The way she said: "It's about making yourself clear as water, honest and calm," really made me think. Water can be calm and clear, but at other times, it can be murky and disrupted. The comparison to water in this book is fitting because at times, water is calm and clear, but it can change at any moment. All she needs to do to calm the water of her life is just breathe. Breathe, Nadira. Breathe.

There are links, but the color is light blue. The words are in the second paragraph I wrote; first and third sentences. Just wanted to make sure people saw that!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 15 Blog

"Everyone stares at all that money lying in a pile on the table. The lady punching the funny machine has a little smile on her face." page 134

I thought it was funny how while Nadira was explaining everything and showing the money, people around her started to smile to themselves. It showed that Nadira was really proving to people that they made a mistake and had the wrong person. When I read that people were smiling, I thought it meant that Nadira was doing a good job and people were supporting her with their facial expressions. I am also really happy that Abba was able to leave jail and go back to their family. I can't wait to see Aisha's reaction to what Nadira did.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 13-14 Blog

"My thoughts are speeding faster, and now one fear trips into another. What if it doesn't work? What if they don't care about my big discovery? Maybe I have to do something else--something bigger, guaranteed to save Abba. Quickly I dig in my pocket, find the scrap of paper and dial. The phone picks up after two rings." page 117

I chose this quote because Nadira is making a huge decision which could possibly change her life. I think it was really good that she didn't actually give Tareq the money because I feel that he would have taken it and not helped Nadira at all. I used to think Tareq was just the "bad boy", but now I see that he can actually be dangerous if given the right opportunity. If Nadira had given him all the money Abba worked hard to earn for her, then he would have to become something he's not, just because of what Nadira did to her family. I also think she should've talked to Aisha before taking any money because it was a very irresponsible thing to do. I hope Nadira will learn from this mistake and can help Aisha and their parents.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chapter 12 Blog

"This is the first time I've ever done this, but I put my arms around my sister. She feels as if she's all bones and she's shaking. I don't know what to say. So we sit like that for a long, long time." page 113

I chose this quote because I think Aisha and Nadira are starting to switch roles. Not change completely, but just the way they treat each other has switched. Nadira is acting more like she needs to take care of Aisha, and Aisha seems more helpless and needs Nadira there to help her. I also liked how the girls are learning to need each other more, rather than shutting the other person out of their lives. I'm also happy for Nadira for being closer to her sister. I hope they can get stronger (especially Aisha after her breakdown) and work together to help their family.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Chapter 11 Blog

"For an instant, Aisha's eyes flash, and I'm sure she's going to say something mean, put me down. Instead, she laughs and picks up the rest of her bun. 'There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to grab it.'
After that, something shifts between Aisha and me. It's like she's opened the door and wriggled over to let me into her private little world." pages 89-90

I chose this quote because Aisha is finally learning how to get along with Nadira, and vice versa. Aisha was able to control herself and not say something mean, which Nadira was relieved by. I really liked how Nadira was saying Aisha: "opened the door and wriggled over to let me into her private little world." Finally Aisha is feeling like she is able to let her sister in on her life instead of locking her out. Nadira also feels more confident to be in her sister's life, and I think she is really trying hard not to be shut out again.
Now that the sisters have finally bonded, I think they will be able to help out their father and get asylum in Canada. Or at least I hope that's what will happen.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10 Blog

"Then Uncle turns to the tall man, and I see how all the fierceness has drained from him. His hands tremble as he shrugs on his coat. He dips his head as he's led out the door as if he's afraid to stand too tall." pages 82-83

I thought this quote was sad because its like Uncle has been defeated by the men. He was trying to be strong and brave for his family, so nothing bad would happen to them, and when the men were taking him out, he gave in. In this quote, I really like how the author said, "all the fierceness has drained from him." I think he was strong for a while, then he became weaker and didn't have any more fighting in him.
I also like how the author said, "as if he's afraid to stand too tall." I think this means he was more defeated by the men than before, and he didn't want to stand taller to give his family more hope than they need. He also probably didn't want to show the men that he was going to put up a fight, or that he would try to stay with his family. He gave in to protect the ones he loves, and I think that was very brave of him.